this cartoon was watched by real ghetto smosh enthusiasts
this cartoon was watched by real ghetto smosh enthusiasts
That angular artstyle works really well with the HL1 Hazard Suit.
i liked it, funny ideas
sound is really good on this one
Loved the animation but you couldn't have picked a worse sound for DingDong's blinking, it sounded like someone was randomly smacking their lips in the audio.
Shout out to the High Quality Video Game Rips
Amazing body mechanics and timing. The kick looks heavy, sharp, and realistic!
Laundry ain't ever been so FUNKY! Nice animation on the ripping clothes, too.
I thought this was already uploaded but then I remembered I watched it on Youtube. Very nice video, keep up the bizarre wonders!
Some frames remind me of Fist of The North Star. Kinda anime-esque.
Joined on 2/3/18